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Pottery studio. Akahada-yaki Masashi

Estimated shipping cost by countries (EMS and Fedex)

The following cost estimation is for average size (tea cups,et.) of pottery.

We only send artwork overseas via EMS or FedEx.

Therefore, we are unable to send to the following countries to which neither EMS nor FedEx are available.

Yemen, Wake, North Korea, Guinea-Bissau, Kiribati, Comoros, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Sierra Leone, Syria, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Saint Helena, Somalia, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Central Africa, Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, Nauru, Falkland Islands, Myanmar.

Countries with risks by EMS shipments (high probability of lost packages) are listed below. Fedex is recommended, although the cost will be higher.

The Philippines, India, and Portugal.

For the following countries where postal conditions are considered unstable, guests are advised to make their own decision whether to choose EMS or Fedex, knowing the risks involved.

Thailand, Argentina, Uganda, Uruguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Qatar, North Macedonia, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Czech Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Nigeria, Nepal, Bhutan, Bulgaria, South Africa, Mexico, Jordan, Lithuania, Romania, and Luxembourg.

The following countries are not handled by FedEx and will be sent by EMS at your own risk of delivery.

Iran, Cuba.

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